Bᴛᴠ • Wish List

I don’t have these yet, but I can dream, right?

  • Technics linear-tracking direct-drive turntable (they were last made in the ’90s, so I’m not sure which one makes most sense to get—I’d love to see them resume production!)
  • Yamaha PX-3 Natural Sound Linear Tracking Turntable
  • Technics SL-1210G-K ($4,000) direct-drive turntable system (though the “GR” model is more affordable and very similar, and the MK7 seems pretty good, too)
  • Oh, and why not a Technics SL-1210 MK7 or two since I’m dreaming big and it’s the normal-person nothing-special current-edition turntable
  • Teenage Engineering PO-80 Record Factory cut your own vinyl singles, and play them back
  • Audio-Technica AT-LP140XP-BK-CR ($350 refurbished) this one would be one I could, for example, take to work or give to my daughter instead of the AT-LP60X I have now
  • Technics Overhang Gauge ($5) since I do plan on upgrading or trying different cartridges and getting a couple extra headshell ($70 on the same site/page)
  • Isolation Hemispheres With Urethane Coating to better isolate my speakers in the same unit as my turntable